Abstracts (digital posters)

  1. Madison Barney "Biogeochemistry, land use, and microbial communities in Swiss peatlands"
  2. Matthew Blair "Exploration of AMR Enrichment Techniques for Monitoring Environmental Waters and Wastewater"
  3. Germán Bonilla-Rosso "Phenogenomics reveal ecological drivers of the antagonism against fire blight in Erwinia tasmaniensis"
  4. Martin Boutroux "Discovery of novel antidefense strategies in phages infecting stream biofilm bacteria"
  5. Wai Hoe Chin "Exploratory isolation of viruses revealed diverse phage repertoire in alpine streams"
  6. Margaux Corset "Using service-learning activities to explain the risks posed by toxic cyanobacteria"
  7. Mathilde Ferry "Understanding and Modulating Nutrition Competition between Two Apis mellifera Gut
  8. Mathieu Forget "Diatom Spines as Mediators of Bacteria-Diatom Interactions"
  9. Aline Frossard "Climate change impact on soil microbial carbon utilization across different biomes"
  10. Timothée Fuselier "Accurate and efficient method for monitoring microbial growth of low-cell number bacterial populations"
  11. Justine Genet "The influence of pathogenic fungi on the production of siderophores by bacteria isolated from grapevine"
  12. Sandro Roberto Ginesi "Identification of ecologically relevant microcystin degraders in Lake Zurich"
  13. Dale Hager "Mitochondrial metagenomics provides a reliable and scalable method for assessing eukaryotic freshwater biodiversity"
  14. Miao Han "Fungal hyphal networks regulate interspecies competition during surface-associated microbial growth"
  15. Nadine Harmsen "Horizontal gene transfer in porous media"
  16. Robin Jacquat "Method of agroforestry : co-culture between the rosaceae family and the genus Morchella"
  17. Lisa Jourdain "Exploring the influence of substrate and pH on microbial community dynamics in anaerobic digestion"
  18. Anastasiia Kosolapova "Characterisation of microbial communities of seasonal snowpack in the Swiss Alps"
  19. Alizée Le Moigne "Low functional redundancy in stochastically assembled bacterial communities"
  20. Eduardo Maria Mollica "Bacterial motility effects on leaf surface exploration"
  21. Aaron Leininger "Do fermenters like being electric?"
  22. Eduard Vico Oton "Warming effects on greenhouse gas fluxes and the microbiome of alpine soils"
  23. Siebe Pierson "roGFP - Revealing robust anti-oxidant defences of a mycoparasitic Trichoderma species"
  24. Sasikaladevi Rathinavelu "Hydrodynamic Model-Assisted Tracking of Antimicrobial Resistance Dynamics at the Wastewater-Lake Interface in Vidy Bay, Lake Geneva, Lausanne"
  25. Kinga Sántha "Microbial versus geochemical drivers of pyrite formation: the case study of two alpine freshwater lakes"
  26. Martina Schalch-Schuler "The planktonic freshwater ciliate Balanion planctonicum (Ciliophora, Prostomatea): a cryptic species complex or a ‘complex species’?"
  27. Alisa Shakurova "A 15 year long depth-resolved time series of metagenomic data from Lake Zurich"
  28. Valeria Staccoli "Assessing the frequency of microcystin biodegrader and mlrA gene detection in Lake Zurich"
  29. Guangyi Su "Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in the High-Arctic Lake Myrktiorna (Svalbard)"
  30. David Touchette "Experimental evidence on the impact of climate-induced hydrological and thermal variations on glacier-fed stream biofilms."
  31. Gatwa Tshinsele "Trading with a zombie: Non-growing bacteria can metabolically interact with and support the growth of others"
  32. Jie Xue "Enhancing Methanogenesis Performance in the Power-to-Methane process: Addressing H2 and CO2 Intermittency"
  33. Jakob Zopfi "Cyanobacteria Boring Limestones in Freshwater Settings - Their Pioneering Role in Sculpturing Pebbles and Carbonate Dissolution"