Abstracts (digital posters)
- Madison Barney "Biogeochemistry, land use, and microbial communities in Swiss peatlands"
- Matthew Blair "Exploration of AMR Enrichment Techniques for Monitoring Environmental Waters and Wastewater"
- Germán Bonilla-Rosso "Phenogenomics reveal ecological drivers of the antagonism against fire blight in Erwinia tasmaniensis"
- Martin Boutroux "Discovery of novel antidefense strategies in phages infecting stream biofilm bacteria"
- Wai Hoe Chin "Exploratory isolation of viruses revealed diverse phage repertoire in alpine streams"
- Margaux Corset "Using service-learning activities to explain the risks posed by toxic cyanobacteria"
- Mathilde Ferry "Understanding and Modulating Nutrition Competition between Two Apis mellifera Gut
Symbionts" - Mathieu Forget "Diatom Spines as Mediators of Bacteria-Diatom Interactions"
- Aline Frossard "Climate change impact on soil microbial carbon utilization across different biomes"
- Timothée Fuselier "Accurate and efficient method for monitoring microbial growth of low-cell number bacterial populations"
- Justine Genet "The influence of pathogenic fungi on the production of siderophores by bacteria isolated from grapevine"
- Sandro Roberto Ginesi "Identification of ecologically relevant microcystin degraders in Lake Zurich"
- Dale Hager "Mitochondrial metagenomics provides a reliable and scalable method for assessing eukaryotic freshwater biodiversity"
- Miao Han "Fungal hyphal networks regulate interspecies competition during surface-associated microbial growth"
- Nadine Harmsen "Horizontal gene transfer in porous media"
- Robin Jacquat "Method of agroforestry : co-culture between the rosaceae family and the genus Morchella"
- Lisa Jourdain "Exploring the influence of substrate and pH on microbial community dynamics in anaerobic digestion"
- Anastasiia Kosolapova "Characterisation of microbial communities of seasonal snowpack in the Swiss Alps"
- Alizée Le Moigne "Low functional redundancy in stochastically assembled bacterial communities"
- Eduardo Maria Mollica "Bacterial motility effects on leaf surface exploration"
- Aaron Leininger "Do fermenters like being electric?"
- Eduard Vico Oton "Warming effects on greenhouse gas fluxes and the microbiome of alpine soils"
- Siebe Pierson "roGFP - Revealing robust anti-oxidant defences of a mycoparasitic Trichoderma species"
- Sasikaladevi Rathinavelu "Hydrodynamic Model-Assisted Tracking of Antimicrobial Resistance Dynamics at the Wastewater-Lake Interface in Vidy Bay, Lake Geneva, Lausanne"
- Kinga Sántha "Microbial versus geochemical drivers of pyrite formation: the case study of two alpine freshwater lakes"
- Martina Schalch-Schuler "The planktonic freshwater ciliate Balanion planctonicum (Ciliophora, Prostomatea): a cryptic species complex or a ‘complex species’?"
- Alisa Shakurova "A 15 year long depth-resolved time series of metagenomic data from Lake Zurich"
- Valeria Staccoli "Assessing the frequency of microcystin biodegrader and mlrA gene detection in Lake Zurich"
- Guangyi Su "Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in the High-Arctic Lake Myrktiorna (Svalbard)"
- David Touchette "Experimental evidence on the impact of climate-induced hydrological and thermal variations on glacier-fed stream biofilms."
- Gatwa Tshinsele "Trading with a zombie: Non-growing bacteria can metabolically interact with and support the growth of others"
- Jie Xue "Enhancing Methanogenesis Performance in the Power-to-Methane process: Addressing H2 and CO2 Intermittency"
- Jakob Zopfi "Cyanobacteria Boring Limestones in Freshwater Settings - Their Pioneering Role in Sculpturing Pebbles and Carbonate Dissolution"